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RequireJS - Busting the browser cache with every deployment using Grunt targethtml plugin

The projects that I work on have deployments to the QA very often; testing out the bug fixes and new features. Every time after the deployment, I ask the QA to clear the cache, since all JavaScript files are cached by the browser. This is really frustrating to QA and I needed someway to clear the cache with every deployment. This would be same in a continuous delivery project, wherein the client would be required to clear the browser cache.

More on MVVM with Backbone Stickit plugin

In my last post, I mentioned about two way binding a.k.a MVVM in Backbone using Backbone.Stickit plugin . The Stickit plugin does provide awesome two way binding, but in addition it includes several features that are very much apt when modifying state of model or the view. I've been using these features in my project regularly.