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Showing posts from December, 2016

Building your static site with Hugo, FlightJS, SASS and Gulp

Hugo provides a good workspace for creating layouts and content. I'm very much satisfied with the options available to customise the site. However, Hugo does not have a say in how CSS and JavaScript should be structured so that it can be included on our site. In Hugo, the DOM nodes are already created and we need a mechanism which we can employ in adding event listeners to these DOM nodes. SPA frameworks like Angular and React, create DOM nodes and define event listeners in the controller of the component. To attach event listeners to an existing DOM tree I came across a JavaScript framework called FlightJS . It's a framework created by folks at Twitter that helps in adding behaviour to the DOM nodes. It's a minimal framework which does not dictate how the DOM nodes should be rendered nor it dictates the other aspects of the web application, such as routing, request/response handling, structuring data so that other components can consume it etc. FlightJS provides only a m

Hugo - On layouts and content organization

Layouts in Hugo allow you to define the how the posts in the content directory would be displayed. In addition to defining layouts for the content posts, you can define the layout for the home page, define partials and include it in different layout templates, also define the default layout to be used in case the matching content type layout is not found.

On Static Site Generator - Hugo

Over the last few weeks, I've been looking into a Static Site Generator - Hugo. A Static Site Generator is useful if you're building an application which does not require dynamic data to be served. A blog can be considered as a service which serves static content. Instead of storing the content in a database field, the content is stored in a file (HTML file). Thus when a page is requested the content is served immediately instead of it being generated on demand; resulting in accelerated response times and thus better user experience.