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Populating flex MenuBar items in mx:Script using the data retrieved from ColdFusion

Couple of days back I was looking for a piece of code that would populate a Flex MenuBar dynamically. Googled a lot, but I was not able to find the right solution. However, I learnt that a Flex MenuBar can be populated using XML data; but the examples found declared the XML right within the client with all data. What I wanted is to retrieve an array of objects(MenuBar data) from my database and send that to the client. I used ColdFusion ORM to do this for me. It is so nice to see a few lines of code not just retrieve the data and present it very clean; but also save a lot of time. Let's get started: On the server side I have two CFC's MenuBar.cfc and MenuBarManager.cfc.  MenuBar.cfc contains the mapping data: T_MENU is the table which contains MenuBar data. MenuBarManager.cfc contains a method getMenuBarItems that retrieves all MenuBar data. The output of getMenuBarItems is as shown below: The above dump shows the Column names, their parent and the action to be taken on the