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WebRTC experiment - Recognizing hand gestures

I have created a web application that recognizes hand gestures using WebRTC's getUserMedia API. Here's how it works: when you launch the application the browser will prompt you for the permission to access the camera. Click on 'Accept',and then swipe your hand from right to left and vice versa. You would see that the next image  (or the previous image if you swipe from left to right) in the gallery slides through.

You can access the application here.

Please note, I have tested this application on Chrome only and not on other browsers. Also, I have used five images in this demo and it is obvious that no image would be shown if you swipe from right to left when the last image is being shown or when you swipe from left to right when the first image is shown. I have codenamed this application as 'Gesto' and hence the name in the URL of the application.


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