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De-obfuscating javascript code in Chrome Developer Tools

I had blogged about JavaScript debugging with Chrome Developer Tools  some time back, wherein I have explained how these developer tools can help in debugging javascript code. Today Google Chrome 12 was released and my Chrome browser was updated to this version. As with every release, there have been some improvements made on performance, usability etc,. One feature that stood out for me is the ability to De-obfuscate the javascript code. What is Minification? Minification is the process of removing unnecessary characters such as white spaces, comments, new lines from the source code. These otherwise would be added to make the code more readable. Minifying the source code helps in reducing the file size and thereby reducing the time taken to download the file. This is the reason why most of the popular javascript libraries such as jQuery are minified. A minified jQuery file is of 31 KB in size where as an uncompressed one is about 229 KB. Unfortunately, debugging minified javascript f

Getting notifications of Network Status changes using online and offline events introduced in HTML5

I was working on an online\offline application, wherein I wanted to display a set of records stored in the local database to the user when he goes offline. The only way to determine the network status is to send a XHR request to the server at particular time intervals (polling). If the server responds back with some data it is understood that the user is online. However, I came across two event listeners 'ononline' and 'onoffline' which are triggered when the network status changes.

ColdFusion's CFDIV tag can be used to output HTML5's semantic tags

HTML5 has introduced several semantic tags such as HEADER, FOOTER, SECTION, ARTICLE, ASIDE, NAV etc,. The rationale behind creating these structural tags is to divide the web pages into logical parts with tags that are descriptive of the type of content they contain. Before HTML5 the div tags were used in creating blocks of content in a HTML document. Recently, I was having a conversation with one of my team members from whom I learnt that the CFDIV tag can be used to output these semantic tags. The CFDIV tag has an attribute  'tagname' . This attribute can be used to specify the HTML container tag i.e. one can specify tagname="header" to output the header tag. Similarly the tagname attribute can be used to specify other HTML5 semantic tags. Why should I use CFDIV tag to output the semantic tags? Well, this is an obvious question you are likely to ask yourself before you write the CFDIV tag. It is not so obvious to one who uses CFDIV tag in their day to day de

Drawing paths on Google Maps, the Indiana Jones way

I was looking into the Google Maps API the other day and came across some APIs which are really cool. I came up with a use case to show path from the current location to a particular destination entered by the user. I was also trying to achieve that Indiana Jones like effect on the map i.e. to show an animation of the path being drawn on the map. The idea here is to show the moving path until the destination is reached and also to pan the map accordingly. Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required. As seen in the video, a marker is added to the map specifying my current location (Bangalore, India). The current location data is retrieved using the HTML5’s Geolocation API. Once the latitude and longitude information are available, a marker can be added to the map. You can now enter one of your favorite destinations in the text box provided and click the Submit button to see a path drawn from your current location to the destination. The path is drawn using the Google map

JavaScript debugging with Chrome Developer Tools and some tips\tricks

Last Friday I was having a conversation with Ben Nadel and Jonothan Joyce on Twitter about examining the content of a JavaScript object. While the firebug add-on for Firefox comes in very handy in examining the request\response header and for various other internals, I can’t really debug the JavaScript code by adding breakpoints. I use Google’s Chrome browser for my day to day web application development. Both Chrome and Safari provide ‘Developer tools’ which help the user not only in debugging the JavaScript code but also in examining the content of an object at any point in time by providing watch expressions. What I like about debugging in Chrome is that it is very much similar to how I debug my server-side code using ColdFusion Builder or Eclipse. This certainly reduces the learning curve to understand debugging in a browser. However, Chrome has more to give when it comes to debugging web applications. In this post I’ll explain how Google Chrome can help you debug web applic

File upload and Progress events with HTML5 XmlHttpRequest Level 2

The XmlHttpRequest Level 2 specification adds several enhancements to the XmlHttpRequest object. Last week I had blogged about cross-origin-requests and how it is different from Flash\Silverlight's approach .  With Level 2 specification one can upload the file to the server by passing the file object to the send method. In this post I'll try to explore uploading file using XmlHttpRequest 2 in conjunction with the progress events. I'll also provide a description on the new HTML5 tag -  progress which can be updated while the file is being uploaded to the server. And of course, some ColdFusion code that will show how the file is accepted and stored on the server directory.

HTML5 XmlHttpRequest 2 v/s Flash\Silverlight approach to cross-origin requests

A few days back I had posted on XmlHttpRequest Level 2 , describing how cross-origin requests can be achieved. A few folks on my team asked me how different it is from Flash\Silverlight's approach to achieve cross domain request\response with crossdomain.xml . The approach that these plugins take to send a request and receive a response is completely different from that of XmlHttpRequest's approach.

HTML5 XmlHttpRequest 2 - Cross origin request

HTML5 specification has introduced a few enhancements for XmlHttpRequest object and one of them is the ability to make cross-origin request. That is, a host can send a XmlHttpRequest request to another host and receive a response in return. On the server-side, a check can be made to see whether the request can be accepted from the given origin. In this post I'll try to explain how this can be done using ColdFusion. Client side: On the client side, a XmlHttpRequest object is created and then a GET request is made to the remote server. var client = new XMLHttpRequest(); client.onreadystatechange = readyStateChangeHandler;"GET","http://{remote-address}/{path-to-file}.cfm",true); client.send(); For example, say wants to get a response from another domain say , then as observed from the above code the request would look like:"GET","",true); Serve