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Hugo - On layouts and content organization

Layouts in Hugo allow you to define the how the posts in the content directory would be displayed. In addition to defining layouts for the content posts, you can define the layout for the home page, define partials and include it in different layout templates, also define the default layout to be used in case the matching content type layout is not found.

On Static Site Generator - Hugo

Over the last few weeks, I've been looking into a Static Site Generator - Hugo. A Static Site Generator is useful if you're building an application which does not require dynamic data to be served. A blog can be considered as a service which serves static content. Instead of storing the content in a database field, the content is stored in a file (HTML file). Thus when a page is requested the content is served immediately instead of it being generated on demand; resulting in accelerated response times and thus better user experience.

Learning ES6 - Arrow functions and the visibility of this and arguments scope in it

Last week I looked at the use of let and const keywords in ES6 . This week I have been looking at Arrow function expressions, which enable you to create functions without using the function keyword. They provide a shorter syntax to represent a function. I assumed that arrow functions only provide syntax sugar and all function expressions can be replaced with the new syntax. However, the scopes -  this and arguments refers to the enclosing scope and not that of the caller.