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On Static Site Generator - Hugo

Over the last few weeks, I've been looking into a Static Site Generator - Hugo. A Static Site Generator is useful if you're building an application which does not require dynamic data to be served. A blog can be considered as a service which serves static content. Instead of storing the content in a database field, the content is stored in a file (HTML file). Thus when a page is requested the content is served immediately instead of it being generated on demand; resulting in accelerated response times and thus better user experience.

Learning ES6 - Arrow functions and the visibility of this and arguments scope in it

Last week I looked at the use of let and const keywords in ES6 . This week I have been looking at Arrow function expressions, which enable you to create functions without using the function keyword. They provide a shorter syntax to represent a function. I assumed that arrow functions only provide syntax sugar and all function expressions can be replaced with the new syntax. However, the scopes -  this and arguments refers to the enclosing scope and not that of the caller.

Learning ES6 - using let, const and Temporal Dead Zone

I've finally started to learn EcmaScript 6 (ES2015) and thought it would be good to start writing about it as I learn. There are a bunch of features in ES6 and a good place to start would be to learn the use of let and const . I haven't deep dived into all the features yet, but I eventually will. This post is about the use of let and const keywords to create variables. I'm a big fan var scope, but I think I'm going to abdicate var scoped variables in favor of let and const .

Improvising Angular + Require template

Sometime back I wrote a post on using Angular and Require to create a project template . The idea was to make the application more modular and broken down into multiple components that can be easily reused. I have made some more modifications to the template, especially the naming conventions used for files and minor changes to the structure of the project.

Angular + Require project template

I've been working on an Angular project for good number months. There's a lot that I've learned and I've realized that the code I wrote could have been structured in a better way. I wanted to write this post sometime back, however I thought it would be better to create an application structure first and then post my learnings. I have posted all the code on github here - . The template is still a work in progress, however the basic structure of the template is in place.