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Showing posts with the label ColdFusion

ColdFusion 10: Geo-location on a Google map created with CFMAP tag

In ColdFusion 10, you can now show the users location on a Google map created with the CFMAP tag. The CFMAP and CFMAPITEM tags now have a boolean attribute showuser . When set to true the browser would ask for the users permission and then display users geo-location on the map. This is now supported in most of the modern browsers. In cases where the browser doesn’t support Geo-location API then the values provided in centeraddress or centerlatitude\centerlongitude attributes will be used to add a marker in the Google map.

ColdFusion 10: HTTP Content Negotiation + REST– Part 2

Following with my previous post on how content negotiation between the client and server help in invoking an appropriate REST service. In this post I’ll explain how one can specify multiple mime types in the request header and also the quality factor that enables server to decide which mime type to serve for the incoming request. The client sends a HTTP request to the Server along with several headers, one of them is the Accept header. The Accept header can contain a list of mime types that the client (user agent) is willing to process. These mime types are separated by a comma and may optionally be combined with the quality factor. A CFC can contain several methods with produces attribute set to a specific mime type. The Accept header may contain several mime types: text/html, text/plain, application/xml, application/json, */* Server would parse the Accept header and will search for a REST service that matches the mime type specified first in the Accept header list. In this cas...

ColdFusion 10: Using HTTP Content Negotiation to invoke a REST service

The HTTP protocol provides a Content negotiation mechanism using which different formats of the document can be served using the same URI. For example, a JavaScript application can request the content in JSON format and an external system say a Java client can request for the same content in XML format. Here the clients need to specify the content format in the Accept attribute of the HTTP request. The REST service can specify the format in which the data will be returned to the client in ‘produces’ attribute.

ColdFusion 10: Accessing a REST service without specifying the Application name or Service mapping in URL

In my previous post, I’d explained how REST services can be created, published and accessed in ColdFusion 10 . Andy , asked me “Is there any way to avoid having the /rest/restapp/ in the URL?”. In short Yes. ‘rest’ in the URL lets the ColdFusion Server know that the incoming request is for a REST service. As mentioned in my previous post, you can update the servlet mapping defined in web.xml located at cfusion_home\wwwroot\WEB-INF directory. But it can't be avoided. Coming to the ‘restapp’ in the URL which indicates the Application name or the Servlet mapping. It can be removed from the URL by placing the CFCs in a default directory. While registering a REST service in the ColdFusion Administrator, there is an option to set the service as a default service, meaning all the CFCs placed in the directory would not require the Application name or Service mapping to be provided in the URL.

ColdFusion 10: RESTful WebServices in ColdFusion - Introduction

In ColdFusion 10, support for creating and publishing REST services has been added. The ColdFusion components can now be made available as REST services and these services can be consumed by various clients. REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It is an architectural style which is based on web standards and HTTP protocol. The idea here is to use HTTP protocol instead of complex mechanisms such as CORBA, RPC or SOAP to connect between the machines. In fact, the World Wide Web which is based on HTTP can be viewed as a REST based architecture.

ColdFusion 10: Using arrays in queryNew and queryAddRow

The queryNew() and queryAddRow() functions are used to create a query data structure and add empty rows to it. To add record sets to the query, function querySetCell() is used. If there are say three columns and you want to add say five rows to the query, then you would have about sixteen lines of code. That's huge and it will increase with number of columns and the number of records that you want to add. In ColdFusion 10 there's a third parameter introduced in queryNew() and queryAddRow() functions. The third parameter can accept either a struct,  an array of structs. Ray Camden had covered this in one of his POTW posts. One feedback that came from one of the ColdFusion users is to use an array or a two dimensional array to initialize or add rows to the query. This has now been implemented and is available in the public beta release. Here’s how it works:

ColdFusion 10: concatenate arrays using arrayAppend function

The arrayAppend function in ColdFusion is used to append an element to the end of the array. Now in ColdFusion 10, it is possible to concatenate two arrays using the same arrayAppend function. A third parameter of type boolean is added to the function; when it is set to true the two arrays are concatenated.

Now Showing - ColdFusion Zeus

After more than 20 months of research, planning, development and keeping  you all in suspense about the next version of ColdFusion, code named  Zeus; I'm finally proud to announce the release of the public beta version of none else than ColdFusion Zeus. You are free to download it here and report bugs here . This release comes with tonnes of new features and enhancements. It not only focuses on HTML5 features but also provides rich features such as RESTful WebServices, Closures, Java Integration, Security enhancements and many more. I wanted to create a picture that depicted all the new features in ColdFusion 10, like I did when public beta of  CFBuilder 2 was released. But I couldn't since its a massive release and capturing everything in one single picture was not possible at all. However, I managed to create an app (like a movie clip) and hence the title 'Now Showing - ColdFusion Zeus'. You can access the app here . Click on the chapters and learn what's ...

ColdFusion Tip: How to tell if path is file or directory

Today, one of the ColdFusion users asked me a question "Is there anyway I can find out whether a path is a directory or a file? There is no isDirectory() function available in ColdFusion and I don't want to write Java code to do this. Any help?" For a moment I thought really! is there no way that ColdFusion can tell you whether a given path is of a directory or file? But sooner, I came across the function 'getFileInfo' which takes the path as an argument and returns a struct data that contains various metadata properties of the file. The struct includes a key - 'type' whose value can either be a directory or file. The below code shows how you can determine whether the given path is of a directory or file:

PubSubHubBub and ColdFusion

I came across a publisher\subscriber protocol called PubSubHubBub. It is a server-to-server web-hook-based pubsub (publish/subscribe) protocol - an extension to Atom and RSS. Here the parties (servers) get an instant notification when a feed URL, that  they are interested in is updated. Traditionally a subscriber would subscribe to a feed and poll for it at regular intervals, to see if there is an updated feed available. In this protocol rather than polling for a feed, the content is pushed out from the publisher. The theory here is that the subscriber can subscribe to a feed via a 'Hub', which then would inform the subscribers when the feed is updated. How PubSubHubBub works? A Publisher instead of sending an update to every subscriber, it includes a in its feed URL and sends an update to the Hub . A Subscriber sends a subscription request to the Hub with the feed URL that it is interested in. The request also contains a callback URL to which the Hub should send an up...

Merging password protected PDF files in ColdFusion

In ColdFusion, CFPDF tag can be used to perform several PDF related operations such as adding a watermark, generating thumbnails, deleting pages, merging documents and securing a PDF with password. Today I wanted to merge all my bank statements into a single PDF document, such that only the first page from each document containing the summary of the statement is present in the merged document.

Using Google Maps Places API and ColdFusion's CFMAP to render places of interests

Google announced the Places API recently at Google I/O (2011) and I was looking into this, to see how this API can be used in conjunction with ColdFusion maps created with CFMAP. The Places API can be used to retrieve place information which includes: Places of interests such as parks, restaurants, hospitals which are nearby to the users location. More detailed information on the place, such as the address, phone number etc,. The API can also be used to perform check-in at a particular place and to add\delete a place. These check-ins can then be used to evaluate the popularity of the place. In this post I'll explain how to retrieve the places of interests and displaying the same on a ColdFusion map using CFMAP.

ColdFusion's CFDIV tag can be used to output HTML5's semantic tags

HTML5 has introduced several semantic tags such as HEADER, FOOTER, SECTION, ARTICLE, ASIDE, NAV etc,. The rationale behind creating these structural tags is to divide the web pages into logical parts with tags that are descriptive of the type of content they contain. Before HTML5 the div tags were used in creating blocks of content in a HTML document. Recently, I was having a conversation with one of my team members from whom I learnt that the CFDIV tag can be used to output these semantic tags. The CFDIV tag has an attribute  'tagname' . This attribute can be used to specify the HTML container tag i.e. one can specify tagname="header" to output the header tag. Similarly the tagname attribute can be used to specify other HTML5 semantic tags. Why should I use CFDIV tag to output the semantic tags? Well, this is an obvious question you are likely to ask yourself before you write the CFDIV tag. It is not so obvious to one who uses CFDIV tag in their day to day de...

JavaScript debugging with Chrome Developer Tools and some tips\tricks

Last Friday I was having a conversation with Ben Nadel and Jonothan Joyce on Twitter about examining the content of a JavaScript object. While the firebug add-on for Firefox comes in very handy in examining the request\response header and for various other internals, I can’t really debug the JavaScript code by adding breakpoints. I use Google’s Chrome browser for my day to day web application development. Both Chrome and Safari provide ‘Developer tools’ which help the user not only in debugging the JavaScript code but also in examining the content of an object at any point in time by providing watch expressions. What I like about debugging in Chrome is that it is very much similar to how I debug my server-side code using ColdFusion Builder or Eclipse. This certainly reduces the learning curve to understand debugging in a browser. However, Chrome has more to give when it comes to debugging web applications. In this post I’ll explain how Google Chrome can help you debug web applic...

File upload and Progress events with HTML5 XmlHttpRequest Level 2

The XmlHttpRequest Level 2 specification adds several enhancements to the XmlHttpRequest object. Last week I had blogged about cross-origin-requests and how it is different from Flash\Silverlight's approach .  With Level 2 specification one can upload the file to the server by passing the file object to the send method. In this post I'll try to explore uploading file using XmlHttpRequest 2 in conjunction with the progress events. I'll also provide a description on the new HTML5 tag -  progress which can be updated while the file is being uploaded to the server. And of course, some ColdFusion code that will show how the file is accepted and stored on the server directory.

HTML5 XmlHttpRequest 2 - Cross origin request

HTML5 specification has introduced a few enhancements for XmlHttpRequest object and one of them is the ability to make cross-origin request. That is, a host can send a XmlHttpRequest request to another host and receive a response in return. On the server-side, a check can be made to see whether the request can be accepted from the given origin. In this post I'll try to explain how this can be done using ColdFusion. Client side: On the client side, a XmlHttpRequest object is created and then a GET request is made to the remote server. var client = new XMLHttpRequest(); client.onreadystatechange = readyStateChangeHandler;"GET","http://{remote-address}/{path-to-file}.cfm",true); client.send(); For example, say wants to get a response from another domain say , then as observed from the above code the request would look like:"GET","",true); Serve...

Server sent events with HTML5 and ColdFusion

There are several ways to interact with the server apart from the traditional request\response and refresh all protocol. They are polling, long polling, Ajax and Websockets ( pusherapp ). Of all these Ajax and Websockets have been very popular. There is another way to interact with the server such that the server can send notifications to the client using Server Sent Events (SSE) . SSE is a part of HTML5 spec:

Speaking at Scotch on the Rocks 2011

The title says it all. I will be speaking at Scotch on the Rocks (SOTR) conference to be held at Edinburgh, Scotland on March 3rd and 4th 2011. I will talking about the next version of ColdFusion Builder codenamed Storm. The speakers and sessions were announced a month back and I must say the session topics look very impressive. Of course there will be sessions on ColdFusion and related technologies, but one would also get to know more about HTML5, Regular expressions, Software Requirements etc,. This is going to be my first ever ColdFusion conference and I'm very excited.

Server Monitoring in CF 9.0.1 - Multi Server monitor changes

Multi server monitor enables you to monitor multiple ColdFusion instances and at any point one can check the load on the added instance. If your remote server is running on the jetty (please refer to my previous post here ) i.e. when the remote machine has monitoring server enabled then the cross-domain details are required to be specified in crossdomain.xml located under {CF_ROOT} /MonitoringServer/.